In 2018, I took a much-needed break from the competition platform. Since I hadn’t competed since the Arnold in March 2018, I needed to find a meet to help me gain some focus in my training. I found out 22nd Street Barbell was hosting a powerlifting meet in Des Moines, Iowa. I only had one goal going into this meet, and it wasn’t even strength related. This meet was all about getting back to the 120kg weight class after spending the last several years as a superheavyweight. This meant about a 30-pound weight loss, which I staggered over several months. I used a macro-based diet and worked with Brains and Brawn Athletics in order to accomplish my goal.
This was one of my toughest training cycles to date. I was expecting a small strength loss during the weight cut but my right hip pain started to creep in about half way through and caused me to lose some explosiveness in my squat. I also had a family vacation planned during the prep and got sick two weeks out from the competition. So, not the most ideal set of circumstances but I pushed through and got my workouts in.
The competition itself was a blast. Making the trip with me to Iowa was my wife and kids, and four training partners from the gym I train at, Output Performance, who were also competing. My family lives in Des Moines so they were able to come out and watch, which is always great.
I started the day weighing in at 262 lbs., so my goal of getting back to my old weight class was accomplished. I ended the day going 6 for 9 on my lifts, with a 672 lb. squat, a 469 lb. bench and a 705 lb. deadlift. Being back in my old weight class I was able to set the Missouri State Open raw records with my bench, deadlift, and total. Along with this I set the Master’s Division records across the board. My total was good enough to win my weight class and best overall lifter of the meet.
Although my numbers weren’t what I’m accustomed to, I was very happy with the results as I’ve been working hard to get my weight down. It’s also always a plus to share the platform with training partners and to have my family there watching and supporting my lifting.
As of right now I don’t have any competitions on the horizon but I’m going to train hard and continue to lose some more weight. Along this journey I’m going to continue using my 1st Phorm supplements, myHMB, BetaTOR, and PEAK ATP to keep my strength levels as high as I can during the future weight loss. I’m closing in on almost ten years on using these supplements and looking forward too many more!

Nick Weite, World Games Powerlifter | TEAM PEAK athlete