First off, congrats on your solid performance at the Arnold. Can’t believe that this marked your 8th year at the Arnold. Can you give us a quick recap of your competitions?
Nick: On Saturday I lifted in the SBD sponsored Arnold Grand Prix where I finished in 2nd place with a 915-pound squat, a 617-pound bench press, and an 832-pound deadlift. I went for the win and a new IPF world record on my third attempt deadlift with 881 pounds. The lift was originally called good but overturned by the jury after an opposing lifter’s coach protested the lift. On Sunday I was back at it in the sponsored Pro Deadlift. I ended the day with a 795-pound deadlift, which placed me fourth in the heaviest deadlift division. USA Powerlifting put on both of these competitions and they do a great job with all the different events at the Arnold.
Now that it’s all said and done, is there anything you would have changed about your strategy that day?
NW: I think I left some pounds on the platform on my squat, which would have helped with not having to pull so much for the win. So, looking back now I would have attempted something heavier on my third squat.
Which lift were you most proud of and why?
NW: I wouldn’t say I was really proud of only one lift over the weekend. As a powerlifter, the goal is putting up the best total possible, and I came out with a huge total personal record, which is what I’m most proud of.
What type of training cycle did you follow leading up to these events?
NW: I’m lucky enough to get my programming from Mike Tuchscherer at Reactive Training Systems. This training cycle was 8 weeks long, and I trained four days a week for approximately 3 hours each day. It’s concentrated heavily on compound movements (squat/bench/deadlift).
I know the last couple of years you’ve been doing a lot of RAW lifting. How was it switching back to equipped?
NW: It’s like riding a bike, you never really forget how to do it. For me, the main difference between the two styles is being a lot more dependent on training partners when I’m training equipped. I’m blessed to have a great group of people I train with at Output Performance who help me tremendously with my workouts. Also, the amount of time it takes me to train equipped is longer, so that’s a little more challenging sometimes.
You’ve talked about focusing more on nutrition and taking a macro approach to get back into your 120 kg weight class. How has that been going for you?
NW: I’ve been using macros to slowly cut weight in order to get back to the 120kg (264 pound) class. I was dropping pretty good and got around 280 before getting the invite to do the Grand Prix at the Arnold. Since this is a pound for pound contest, I let my body weight get back up a bit and weighed in at 289 on meet day. I’m hopping back on the macro train again though, and plan on competing later this summer in the 120 kg weight class, which is definitely best for me.
What supplements do you use to aid your training?
NW: I use HMB, BetaTOR, PEAK ATP, and several supplements from 1st Phorm (glutamine, creatine, protein, multi vitamin, opti-greens, sleep aid). I only use supplements I know work and have purpose in my training. Recovery and strength are what I’m looking for and the above products provide just that.
Congratulations on also being picked as Rogue’s featured powerlifter for their ‘Road to the Arnold’ series. What was it like to be a part of that?
NW: It was an awesome experience and I was excited to be a part of it. There are so many great powerlifters competing at the Arnold and to be chosen to, really kind of represent that whole group, was a tremendous honor.