Celebrate the Small Wins | Danyelle Mastarone

Posted on February 22, 2018 at 12:00 AM

Hello Fit Fam!

I hope everyone’s year has been going as planned. And if not, then I hope you are learning to roll with the punches. That is my goal for this year. I don’t always make specific New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to take the time to assess my own happiness. I think being a happy person leads to being happy in everything else. I know that when I am a happy woman, I am a better mom. I’m never going to stop being Type A, it is inherently who I am. But I would like to worry less. I was out with a friend the other day and they must have told me half a dozen times to stop worrying so much, stop stressing so much. We are talking little things. So, one of my resolutions is to relax and stress less! If you know me, you know this is a big goal. But of course, this all links back to fitness because a healthy mind allows for a healthy body. Stress will deter progress almost more than overdoing the dessert bar.

Last year I set a goal to try one new fitness thing each month. Well, I got two months in and became too “busy”. So, another resolution is to pick that back up. I am not going to beat myself up for not accomplishing that goal (and I am certainly not going to use the word fail), but I am now even more determined to make it happen. This past fall I tried a ropes course and followed that up with kayaking. I took advantage of the gorgeous weather we were having in early fall and tried something else fitness related that was outside of my comfort zone. This one however, was a workout. In addition to using your upper body and core, you need to work as a team with your partner to match your strides.

January may have flown by, but I managed to sneak in one new(ish) fitness activity. It was not overly creative, but it was outside of my normal comfort zone. I walk past the spin room every day. My best friend teaches the class and I still never make time to try it. I’ve done it in the past, but it’s been years. So instead of doing my normal routine today, I hopped on the bike. The reason I avoid spin is because I am terrible at it. I truly struggle to keep up. When the instructor is calling to crank up the resistance and I see everyone else turning their dials, I have gone as far as to pretend (I may have even lowered it)! But today I owned my low resistance and went at my own pace. But you know what, I finished!

Whatever your goals are, good luck! Be proud of everything you accomplish and celebrate even the smallest win! Remember to supplement with HMB throughout the day and PEAK ATP first thing in the morning. With the right mindset and the right tools, you can accomplish anything!

Danyelle Mastarone, Fit Mom








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