Make Resolutions Stick | Tim Nassen

With the New Year here, many of us have made new New Year’s resolutions.  This is the time of  year that we can all wipe the slate clean and reposition ourselves for a more successful  2016.  I encourage everyone who has made a resolution to have a plan!   As the old saying goes, “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” 

When it comes to creating a long term plan you need to account for gradual change.  Wholesale, 180 degree, radical changes will often leave you feeling overwhelmed and underprepared, setting you up for failure.  Having a plan for your gradual changes and mapping them  on a timeline will greatly improve your chances for success and a meaningful change.

If your resolution is to lose weight or improve body composition, then clearly a change of diet is going to be a part of this equation.   Gradual changes in your diet over a specified period of time will allow you a greater chance of success by giving your body time to adjust.  What do gradual change looks like, you might ask?  Here are a few examples:

  • Weeks 1 & 2 – Eliminate empty liquid calorie items like pop, sports drinks, or sugar/sweeteners in coffee.     

  • Weeks 3 & 4 – During this time  eat fresh fruit before 1:00 PM rather than in the afternoon.

  • Weeks 5-6 – During this time frame eliminate all processed sugars and flours from your diet.

Looking at the above 6 week timeline, should give you the general idea of how to establish your own timeline.  I truly believe you greatly improve your chances of success by sitting down and coming up with your own timeline.  In addition, timeline’s don’t just have to be diet oriented, you can just as easily make a similar one for exercise.  Once you have a plan and timeline, write it down!   Research has shown that people who write down their objectives are far more likely to stick to a plan.  Take time in the beginning, it will be worth it in the end, otherwise, “ Fail to plan, plan to fail”.
Thanks to Peak ATP for allowing me to write this article.  I hope the information was useful to at least a few of you.  God Bless and hope you all are enjoying New Year!  

-Tim Nassen, Masters Bodybuilder/Former Strongman & Strength Athlete

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