There are many different training styles and methods out there. Each has its own merit and Strength Athlete Eric Todd is here to share why you should incorporate odd objects into your training routine.
Throughout my lifting career, I have excelled at doing lifts that were less than conventional. While my gym strength has always been decent, I thrived in more functional strength.
What odd object lifts should a person be doing?
I am going to discuss this topic from the point of view of someone who is training for general strength, athleticism, and health, rather than excelling at strongman, as the two do not necessarily go hand in hand.
1. The Tire Flip
When done properly, there are not many movements that emphasize full body strength and explosiveness better than a tire flip. As with any lift, if done improperly it can result in injury (stay out from under the tire!), but if done with proper technique and explosiveness, it is a great exercise for strength, conditioning, and general athleticism.