2016 Game Plan | Nick Weite
Posted on August 2, 2016 at 12:00 AM
With this year already half over and only doing one meet, this has turned out to be one of my slowest competition years to date. I have still been training, but sometimes life gets a little too hectic to really commit to doing a meet.
After the Arnold Classic, I was hoping to hit equipped Nationals but it just wasn’t in the cards. Now I’m sitting here in July wondering what my next competition will be. I’ve kicked around the idea of doing USA Powerlifting’s Raw Nationals in October and am committed to doing a local meet in Illinois in December. After that I’m looking at getting back into equipment and making another run at the IPF Worlds.
Although my competition schedule has slowed down tremendously, the number of events I direct has increased. So far this year I’ve put on two USA Powerlifting meets: The River’s Edge and Missouri State. I was very proud of how these turned out and actually am helping direct a meet in Des Moines, Iowa at 22nd Street Barbell. After this I’m helping with a last chance qualifier meet on September 3rd. Basically, even though I haven’t been competing, I’m still busy as ever with powerlifting.
My goal for the immediate future is to continue to drop weight and get back to the 264 lb. weight class. I’ll be upping my HMB and BetaTOR in order to minimize strength loss associated with cutting weight. I’ve found when taking these while cutting, I keep most of my strength gains if not get stronger. This combined with the ability to recover really makes it a must have supplement stack.
Since I’ll be soon into meet prep mode I’ll be posting lifting videos daily, which you can find on my Instagram. Until next time, continue to lift hard and smart which means adding not only HMB to your supplement list, but BetaTOR and PEAK ATP. You’ll be glad you did.
- Nick Weite, Powerlifter & World Games Competitor