Leading the Fit Mom Lifestyle | Danyelle Mastarone
Posted on October 26, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Hello Everyone! How have you been? Keeping healthy? Strong? Those are some of my favorite buzz words to use with my son. I take my job as a Fit Mom very seriously and want to teach my son about the importance of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. First and foremost, I always lead by example. I bring my son to the gym with me, utilizing the childcare center. He knows that exercise is a part of my daily life and, as he gets older, hopefully it will be a part of his.
While at home, we have a diverse balance of healthy foods. I believe in sitting down to meals together, so we all eat the same foods, with slight variations of course. For example, we will all share the same chicken and green beans, but I may also serve him buttered noodles or homemade macaroni and cheese. Of course, if we are at a birthday party, we will both enjoy some cake! It is all about balance these days.
In addition to maintaining a balanced diet, I try to balance my training activities. Currently I am not in prep for a competition. So rather than trying to build additional muscle, I’m working to strengthen my core and functional strength. I always joke that I have pretty muscles, but not very useful ones. I would love to compete in an athletic style competition and challenge myself in a whole new way.
Another small goal of mine is to attempt one new fitness endeavor each month. Last month I finished an extreme ropes course. It may not have been the sweat fest I am used to, but being terrified (and I mean terrified) of heights, it took me way outside of my comfort zone. While I never want to do that again, I was proud of myself for trying something new. I will keep you posted on what my next adventure will be!
One thing that will never change is my supplement routine. In addition to a women’s multi vitamin I include HMB three times a day and PEAK ATP each morning. As I train more for athleticism, the increased strength and recovery I get from HMB is key to achieving my goals. And the combination of HMB and PEAK ATP allows me to maintain lean muscle mass all year long. Until next time… Stay healthy and strong!!!
Danyelle Mastarone, NPC Figure Competitor & Fit Mom