What is Real Energy?

Caffeine is the most prominent ingredient in the majority of products that are marketed for energy, including pre-workouts. While caffeine and other stimulants can promote focus, alertness, and enhance mood, these are only sensorial perceptions of ‘energy’ and don’t provide a sustainable source of energy to fuel performance. In contrast, PEAK ATP® provides real energy, identical to the form our bodies actually use to power movement. While other ingredients are precursors to the body’s production of ATP, PEAK ATP® actually delivers ATP directly to working muscles when the body needs it most.


Available exclusively from TSI Group Co., Ltd., PEAK ATP® is a clinically validated and patented form of Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate (ATP) Disodium. It’s the only nutritional ingredient that is identical in structure to the ATP produced and used by the human body.

All living cells use ATP for energy – it’s our body’s universal energy currency powering all biological reactions that allow cells to function and life to exist. ATP also fuels exercise. The demand for ATP is increased up to 1,000-fold during exercise, and ATP turnover can limit high-intensity performance.

But not all ATP is used to power cellular processes. It’s also an important signaling molecule, particularly for nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.

PEAK ATP® is a bioavailable form of functional energy that potentiates the role of ATP in the body, particularly in combination with exercise, allowing users to do more and achieve more, with less fatigue.

Why is PEAK ATP® Important?

The demand for ATP is increased up to 1,000-fold during exercise

ATP turnover can limit high-intensity performance. PEAK ATP® increases ATP pools, providing greater ATP availability during times of increased energy demands (e.g. exercise), delaying fatigue, and enhancing performance.

Key PEAK ATP® Benefits

The demand for ATP is increased up to 1,000-fold during exercise, and ATP turnover can limit high-intensity performance. PEAK ATP® increases ATP pools, providing greater ATP availability during times of increased energy demands (e.g. exercise), delaying fatigue, and enhancing performance.

Reduces Mental Fatigue and Improves Cognitive Performance

PEAK ATP® prevents the decline in proactive visuomotor reaction time following all-out high intensity exercise.

Improves Reaction Time

PEAK ATP® prevents the decline in proactive visuomotor reaction time following all-out high intensity exercise.

Improves Focus and Mental Speed

PEAK ATP® decreases the number of errors during a reactive visuomotor task with cognitive stressor before and after all-out high-intensity exercise.

Boosts Muscular Power Output*

Muscular power output refers to the ability to activate muscles, thereby causing them to contract. The greater the contractibility of the muscle, the greater its force, velocity, and endurance properties will be.

Increases Total Strength by 147% Over Training Alone

An athlete will lift more weight and produce a greater number of repetitions per set with oral supplementation of PEAK ATP® versus placebo.

Increases Power by 30% Over Placebo

An athlete will lift more weight and produce a greater number of repetitions per set with oral supplementation of PEAK ATP® versus placebo.

Reduces Muscular Fatigue

An athlete will lift more weight and produce a greater number of repetitions per set with oral supplementation of PEAK ATP® versus placebo.

Increases Lean Body Mass by 100% Over Placebo

PEAK ATP® significantly increases lean body mass and muscle thickness over placebo.*

Improves Blood Flow Up to 54%

PEAK ATP® supplementation increases the amount of ATP in red blood cells. When muscles are fatigued, red blood cells release ATP into the blood. The ATP binds to blood vessels and causes them to dilate. The end result is increased blood flow, oxygen delivery, and clearance of metabolic waste products such as lactate.

Enlarges Muscle Calcium Pool

Muscle is excited by the release of calcium into the cell, which serves as the trigger for contraction. PEAK ATP® works by increasing and sustaining the amount of calcium in the cell. As a result, athletes can lift more weight and produce a greater number of repetitions per set.*1

Maintain Force Output During Exhaustive Exercise

PEAK ATP® also helps maintain muscle force during repeated high-intensity exercise.

Acute Benefits

PEAK ATP® has been shown to be effective after a single dose.

  • Exercise performance – increased number of reps and total work.
  • A single dose of PEAK ATP® increased total work by 24% over placebo. Clinical Evidence
  • Recovery from exercise – increased post-exercise heart rate variability, which may indicate physiological readiness for activity

Who Benefits from

Athletes of all kinds are always looking for something to give them a competitive edge — whether for increasing power, strength, and muscle mass, reducing fatigue or improving recovery. PEAK ATP® does it all.

Increasingly, everyday people trying to stay in shape are looking for supplements that can help them reap the most reward with the least effort. Because PEAK ATP® increases the work volume of a workout, it can help even the casual athlete or weekend warrior make the most of time spent exercising.

PEAK ATP® is acceptable for use in sports and is not banned by any athletic body.

Active Nutrition

Active Nutrition

PEAK ATP® is highly beneficial to consumers within the Active Nutrition category. These consumers are adopting a more proactive approach towards exercise and nutrition with a focus on long-term health and wellness.

These are everyday exercisers, whether running, cycling, or hiking, who want (or need) a source of (real) functional energy to keep them going with less fatigue. Because PEAK ATP® supports increased work volume, it can help anyone make the most of time spent exercising. This is crucial to the adoption and habituation of their exercise programs and ultimately the pursuit of goals that relate to a healthy brain and body and long-term weight wellness.

Competitive Athletes

Competitive Athletes

Athletes of all kinds are always looking for something to give them a competitive edge. The benefits of PEAK ATP® are relevant to consumers who perform high intensity and/or exhaustive exercise that are looking to increase or enhance their work capacity – to “do more”. That is, the ability to perform more reps, more sets or push harder, for longer.

This is the prime domain of sports nutrition, particularly the core consumer who is focused on resistance exercise and aesthetics with goals of increasing muscle size and strength or to be more “toned” or “shredded” (improved body composition). PEAK ATP® is also relevant in endurance exercise in order to delay the onset of fatigue.

Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

In addition to exercise, ATP is critical for normal physiological function in all cells. However, it is particularly important in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and in maintaining energy in the brain to support cognition and signals involved in sleep, memory, learning, and movement. ATP also helps maintain healthy function of the gut and related immune activity and supports building strong and healthy skeletal muscles to support bone structure.

ATP metabolism and production decrease with age, particularly in the blood and skeletal muscle. This may contribute to the aging process and a gradual decrease in function.

400 mg of PEAK ATP® ~ 30 to 60 minutes before exercise

How to Take PEAK ATP®

It is recommended to consume 400 mg of PEAK ATP® ~ 30 to 60 minutes prior to exercise.

Depending on the length of exercise (e.g. long-duration endurance activity) consumption of PEAK ATP® may also be useful mid workout to provide a source of fuel.

On non-training days, it is recommended to consume 400 mg ~ 20 to 30 minutes prior to breakfast.

Regulatory Status & Safety

The safety of PEAK ATP® is well documented in both human and animal studies. It is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), certified kosher, Halal, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian friendly enabling safe use in populations with dietary restrictions. Further, PEAK ATP® is an Informed Ingredient and is not a banned substance and acceptable for use in sport.

We always recommend consulting with a medical professional for guidance before changing or undertaking a new diet or exercise program or adding a dietary supplement to your diet. Advance consultation with your physician is particularly important if you are under eighteen (18) years old, pregnant, nursing, or have health problems.

ATP was marketed as a dietary ingredient in the United States prior to October 15, 1994 (the date the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, or DSHEA, was enacted) and therefore does not require FDA premarket notification.